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They are just baby teeth, aren't they just going to fall out anyway?

The best kids dentist San Jose California

Can Babies Get Cavities? Yes, they can. If you have a tooth, it can get a cavity. Although it’s true that baby teeth will fall out when adult teeth are ready to emerge, this sometimes doesn’t happen for many years and tooth decay that is left untreated can result in an infection or abscess, as well as damage the permanent/adult teeth that are emerging.

What Happens When a Baby Tooth Has a Cavity? Untreated cavities in baby teeth can lead to an infection or abscess in the tooth, causing pain and swelling, infection and/or abscess and can result in tooth loss and damage to permanent teeth. Furthermore, if a baby tooth is removed or falls out due to advanced decay, the space left for future adult teeth is insufficient to allow the permanent tooth to emerge properly.

Children with Baby Tooth Cavities Have More Cavities in Their Adult Teeth. Studies show that children with cavities in baby teeth are 3 times more likely to have cavities in their adult teeth.

The #1 Way to Reduce Cavities in Baby Teeth. Never put your child to bed for the night or for a nap with a bottle, whether that bottle contains juice, formula or breast milk. The sugars in these liquids coat the teeth in carbohydrates which, when combined with bacteria in the mouth, lead to “baby bottle tooth decay.”

More Ways to Reduce Cavities in Baby Teeth

  1. Never share utensils with your child. This includes sharing drinks.

  2. After giving formula or breast milk, wipe baby’s gums with a warm, wet washcloth.

  3. Begin brushing baby’s teeth with a non-fluoridated toothpaste (or no toothpaste) when the very first tooth appears.

  4. Avoid soft drinks, juice (even when watered down) and other high-sugar liquids, including milk, throughout the day. Water should be the liquid of choice.

  5. Limit the amount of sweet, sticky foods, which cling to teeth.

  6. Give your child lots of “tooth scrubbing” foods such as carrots, apples and celery.

  7. Floss and brush your child’s teeth twice a day.

Baby teeth are much more important than you may think! Preserving their health is imperative to insure proper speech, room for future permanent teeth, and costly treatment. Questions about your baby’s teeth or finding the best pediatric dentist for your kids in San Jose? Call us at 408-263-6331 today!

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